Daily Archives: January 9, 2011

Readybrek effect – #Janathon update

It is really tricky to exercise when you are away for the weekend visiting family and dealing with ‘business’ of one kind and another.  Perhaps I should learn to run, it is more travel friendly.  So after the hasty swim on Friday morning and an even hastier walk yesterday afternoon, today I came heavily unstuck, big breakfast, big lunch and a day in the car as a passenger playing Lexulous and tweeting.  I couldn’t even find the torch when I got home to walk the dog.  However after being spotted in a tweet earlier by @quasi_sally who insisted I do planks – I did do planks and some general sit ups but not for long.  Luckily you can log cross training on the RunningFree site but I can’t give it any miles.  The positive thing is though without the prompt of #Janathon I know I wouldn’t even have done that little bit of work so once again huge thanks to #Janathon!

The picture above is of a Highland Cow in the Cotswolds at the end of yesterday’s walk.  Shot directly into the sun (Well I wasn’t going to ask it to move, no matter how cuddly it looks); it does create an interesting Readybrek effect.