Blog Archives

The Dalmatian Post – 101, Pylons and The Changes

Picture of Pylons snowy Suffolk Landscape, memory of the Changes TV programmes

When I realised that this was going to be post 101; my mind had an image of cute little black and white puppies frolicking in the snow. I decided to look at my recent photographs, aware that I have commented on the greyscale or monotone appearance of the vista on recent mornings.  Then I came across the image above; not very cute and puppy like, it digs deep into my psyche.

On the one hand deep wonder, seeing ‘perspective’; the pylons ever decreasing in apparent size as they disappear into the flatness of the landscape.  There is also a consciousness that many people dislike the thought of ugly pylons marring their view. Far worse than this; the memory of a TV series from the 1970’s, the tune, the image of the Severn Bridge and the pylons spelling terror.  Even now I can’t remember what the ending was; perhaps finally I should be brave enough to try the books or see if the programmes are repeated anywhere.

Illustration Friday – Confined or what Rapunzel has to do with Elephants

The topic for Illustration Friday this week is confined.  I have been taking a lot of pictures in the snow over the last few days, including some spectacular dawns.  In my minds eye, I have Rapunzel confined in her tower, looking out over the snow fields at dawn, seeing the footsteps of her Prince disappearing across the snow.  I was tempted to use different inspiration as elephants that have been trodden on should be confined to bed……. Spike Milligan.

Tiddly Pom – the more it goes on snowing….

Fallen tree

…. and the more I want to go out and take photos.  My fingers were numb, but now they are just beginning to tingle remorselessly.

A particular fascination for me is a fallen tree, well weathered and full of holes made by the woodpeckers.  With the snow and Suffolk skyscapes I am drawn back to the same tree every day.

One particular knot looks like the eye of some ancient lizard that is weeping.  

Snow News Is Good News

With a doff of the hat to Samir

It may be snowing outside but I've moved house anyway

After much discussion and thought I have decided to move my blog to WordPress.  The snow coming down and the work I thought I was going to do as a contingency not materialising, I decided to experiment.  After all; did you see the state of the old place?  The mess all those animals, leaping lords, dancers, drummers and the rest deposited.

The picture above is a doff of the cap to Samir, whose blog you can find here , or who you can find on twitter here.  This morning he suggested I should use a dog sled when walking the dog and he wanted a picture to prove it.

So how’s it gone so far?  All the old posts and comments are imported; I haven’t checked yet to see if everything has made it across the divide.  I’ve chosen a theme and uploaded my header picture.  My little green blob doesn’t look so good at the scale.  I will have to experiment and see if it will work with word, or if I will have the same problems as before.  I also want to see if I can go a bit more ‘wide screen’, but it is difficult if you don’t really know what screen width viewers are using.

Oh well be please be patient with me whilst I experiment.