Monthly Archives: January 2015

A new dawn and a broken heart – confessions of a bad blogger

New DawnJanathon has been going well. I have managed to stick to the some exercise every day element but it transpires I’m a rubbish blogger at the moment. Therefore I thought it was time for a summary and to explain about the walking in a onesie. I often walk very early in the morning, sometime ago I bought myself a boiler suit and rather than change out of my pjs I put the boiler suit (my onesie) over the top, then I can come home and shower after my walk – too much information? The blessing is I live in a very rural area so none much sees me!

During one slightly later walk I found a broken heart, the downside of helium balloons they do leave detritus behind.

A broken heart

Summary of my Janathon so far:

  • Walking 74.61 km  
  • Cycling, transport  60.29 km  
  • Swimming  1.60 km  plus 1hr aquarobics
  • Squats 1,155

Janathon Day 5 – On yer bike!

Ups and downs


The warm up on the bike yesterday was well worth it, I had forgotten how much I love cycling – usual rules – my speed not other people’s. So today I’ve done plenty. Two dog walks total 3.77km, in my onesie for the morning walk.  Then two bike rides (to an event and back) total 40.3km plus my 100 squats.  Think I’ve done my bit!


Janathon Day 4 – Running in a onesie!


Today was a rest day. On the squats chart it says ‘rest’. I walked the dog to the end of the lane and back, then did a spot of ironing gym – each time an item is ironed it gets taken upstairs. This process makes for very broken movie watching, mind you my current dvd is The 100 Year old man who climbed out of a window and disappeared – have you seen it (or read the book?), I would attempt to describe it but you wouldn’t believe me. I also decided it was time to get the bike out ready for tomorrow so peddled to the end of the lane and back.

Nearly forgot to mention the onesie, Cathy would like us to run in a onesie or dressing gown – I don’t run, but I do wear my onesie every morning or pjs…. I’ll explain in another post…another day 🙂

Stats for the day –  Walk:  1.82 Km  Cycle 1.82km  Steps 8,833 – which bearing in mind the lack of distance covered isn’t a bad showing.

Janathon Day 3 – The Iron Horse

Iron Horse

Day 3 of Janathon – it peeeeeed down this morning, so dog and I didn’t go further than the chickens at the end of the garden. The forecast was good for later so we went out as the weather was clearing and managed 6.13km.  The puddles were the colour of greek coffee, the roads churned up by beet lorries and the sounds of clunking and banging echoed across the prairies as beets were shifted from clamp to lorry. Apparently there is oversupply of sugar this year and the factory cannot take everything as it is produced, there are still beet in some of the fields, luckily the frosts have not been too severe and they seem to be holding up ok. As dog and I made our way back past the clamp the image of one of the pieces of equipment looked like the Iron Man’s own Suffolk Punch standing ready for the next day’s work.

Total for the day 6.13Km and 80 squats.

Thank you for the visits from other Janathoners – I’m off on a tour to see what you’ve all been up to. I think as I am logging walks not runs they will not show on the overall totals for the month.


Janathon Day 2 – weight loss!


Today was another day of walking and squats. The dog needed her annual vaccination at the vets, so I decided to walk her there and back, via the coop in Framlingham.  Total walk of 12.31km and 75 squats.  But… there is a weight loss issue, the dog is 0.5kg down, so being an oldie I need to add fresh protein to her diet, she still trots along quite happily but there is less of her (she’s only 5kg in total), now if only my weight loss percentage was the same.

Janathon – Day 1

janathon-participant-logoThanks to Cathy for talking me in to taking part in Janathon again this year, a great way to start the year.  The basic idea is that you take some exercise each day in January and blog it. This morning I was feeling somewhat morning afterish (old enough to know better) so I decided to walk the block.  It’s a biggish block across open countryside.  For the last few weeks we have had beautiful sunrises but today was just overcast and very blustery, with no traffic though the walk was really pleasant and the puddles of the last few days were thawing rapidly. The perfect way to blow away the cobwebs.Squat Challenge I am also doing the squat challenge and am on Day 5 – so 70 squats today I didn’t wear blue hot pants for the squat challenge. Totals for day 1 – walking  11.78km [10km morning walk 1.78km evening dog walk] plus 70 squats