Category Archives: ether

It’s out in the ether

eCover - Taranaki Gate on ether books


Regular readers of this blog will know that a recurring theme has been the Taranaki Gate. Some followers of my @farctum account on twitter may even remember me asking what the word ‘Wire’ meant to them.  When I made the original request it was to help me write a very short story for which the theme was wire.  I then threaded the ideas into a story.

Some time later I heard via Bubblecow that a new form of electronic publishing was accepting on-line submissions.  I submitted one story which was rejected, but with kind comments suggesting some alterations.  When I resubmitted I decided to also send Taranaki Gate, which by then had been lengthened.

There are two routes into ether books you can pay for a quicker turnaround, or do as I did and be patient, they review all submissions and only publish those that they consider make the grade. It was a surprise and a delight when I discovered that Taranaki Gate had been published. Then a few days later I heard that my other story Magna (which is very different from the first) had been published too.

To read the stories you will need an iPhone or iPad with the ether app installed  Currently Taranaki Gate costs 69p and for a sort time only Magna is free.  If you read them, I hope you enjoy them.

eCover - Magna