Daily Archives: January 3, 2011

Ten Lords – Men Leaping, or Missing and Janathon update

This is the Tenth Day and my love has sent Ten Lords a Leaping.  Another two part post: the first is for the 12 Day’s of Christmas Party; the second is my Janathon write up.

I was fortunate enough to see members of the Osiligi troupe of Masai Warriors when they were touring locally earlier in the year.  They were amazing.  The video below gives some idea of Masai Jumping dance from a different group.  A simple challenge for you today – jump, or leap even just a little bit.  There is a great book called 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life which encourages you to do things like that.  From sitting counting to 1000 to drinking water whilst going to the loo, some are bizarre but they are all thought provoking; I recommend it.

The game of the day is here

The Spotify playlist of the day is here

Your Russian Roulette Question:

Just checking those invitations again.  Did you notice that there are only eight Lord’s wigs?  Two Lords are missing – one was last heard on the roof of Lower Loxley Hall and the other was last seen on or about the 8th November 1974; but who are they?

If you are new to this, a brief explanation.  The #12DCP is a virtual Christmas party.  A post a day will appear on the Grethica.  You respond by way of comments.  Each comment creates an entry into my prize draw, for a money can’t buy prize (because it’s mostly stuff that’s been given away by others).  The Russian Roulette questions are quiz style questions, the comments you leave to those will be posted at the end of the 12 DCP.  However the danger with a Russian roulette quiz is that if you answer a question wrong – all of your answers become null and void.  The good news is though you have time to go back and post answers to previous days, right up to the end of the 12th day.

Enjoy – thanks to those that have taken part so far… keep up the good work

The Janathon Update………

Or rookie mistakes I have made today.  I decided to clean Maud the Claude.  She looks better for it and several layers of dirt and thick oil removed I discovered spaces I never knew existed before. So I went off on my ride – the plan said easy, flat, 55 minutes.  20 minutes in a I realised I was zipping along and would be home too early so I added a little detour to increase the miles.  I thought I had tested all the gears up and down the range but in the middle of climbing back up a Suffolk Hill (ie not very big) the chain slipped off – no mud left to keep it in place I guess, I popped it back on again quite quickly but then the iPhone ran out of charge so my route recording went up the spout.  Never mind I was able to re-plot once home.

The Stats

Machine – Maud the Claude

Distance – 10.1 miles

Time – 55 mins

Average speed – 11 mph